Students » Policies


The Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. Dress Code

Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School updated the dress code in order to create a more equitable policy that meets the requirements outlined in the Expanded and Identity-Affirming Dress Code policy for Los Angeles Unified Schools (Res - 032 18/19). 

Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School recognizes how personal style is an empowering expression of individuality.  As such, we believe the basic principle of a dress code should:

  • treat all students equitably regardless of their race, ethnicity, culture, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, class, opinions, body size, socioeconomic status, disabilities, and immigration status. 
  • set parameters and protocols that support body positivity for all students and in no way objectify, demean or degrade students.
  • encourage students to dress in a manner that does not contribute to a hostile or intimidating environment for anyone.
  • include a family discussion about what is appropriate attire for an educational setting.
  • use restorative practices that are not punitive or interfere with attendance and do not objectify, demean or degrade students.
  • be enforced by school administrators, not teachers, who have been trained to understand and reinforce the intent and spirit of the code.

Students MUST WEAR:

  • Shirt
  • Bottom (pants, sweatpants, shorts, skirt, dress serving as both top and bottom, leggings)
  • Shoes; activity-specific shoes requirements are permitted (for example, sports, dance..)

(Exception: High school courses or clubs may include attire requirements as part of the curriculum or activity, such as professional, business attire standards, but these requirements must still meet the basic principles of the dress code.)


  • Violent language or images.
  • Any clothing or accessories that can be dangerous to others.
  • Images or language depicting drugs, alcohol or any illegal item/activity.
  • Hate speech, profanity, pornography.
  • Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class.
  • Bathing suits
  • Underwear/undergarments must not be visible with the exception of straps or bands
  • Helmets or headgear that obscures the face, except as a religious observance or in compliance with health and safety recommendations.


  • Students to dress in a manner that supports an educational setting.

Referral Process – Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School – Revised 10-20-15

Tier I - Teacher

Tier II - Counselor

Tier III - Dean/Administrative Designee


  1. Minor incidents of disrespect
  2. Out of seat without permission


  1. Excessive talking and/or other forms of mildly disruptive behavior (ex. mild student profanity)
  2. Gum chewing or eating in class
  3. Horse-playing, name calling, teasing
  4. Failure to comply with classroom rules and school rules such as dress code
  5. Bullying
  6. Use of electronic devices
  7. Selling food or drinks (may report to Dean)


X. Tardiness


  1. Failure to return school documents (progress reports, emergency cards, notes to parents)
  2. Failure to complete class or homework assignments
  3. Lack of school materials (agenda, book, paper, pencil, pen, binder)
  4. Non-dress in P.E.
  5. IB academic honesty policy (level 1)

Teacher Intervention Strategies

  • Positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior
  • Verbal warning for inappropriate behavior
  • Individual conference with the student at an appropriate time
  • Changing the student’s seat Detention with teacher
  • Contacting the parent in writing and/or by phone and documenting type of communication involved (Every effort should be made to establish contact with parent/guardian)
  • Bringing parents into a partnership of support
  • Refer to counselor, school psychologist, or SST if the above strategies are unsuccessful
  • Re-teaching of group expectations routines and strategies
  • Peer mediation


  1. Persistent defiance of school and or class rules (more than 3 infractions) such as dress code
  2. Bullying
  3. Cyberbullying
  4. Habitual defiance of adult authority


  1. Poor school attendance (8 or more absences)
  2. Chronic tardiness (5 or more)
  3. Truancy
  4. Habitual truancy (ditching)

Chronic failure to complete assignments, demonstrating poor academic record IB academic honesty policy (level 2)

Counselor Interventions Strategies

  • Observe student in class
  • Individual/Group counseling of student
  • Assign detention or campus beautification
  • Involve student in development of the behavior support plan
  • Conference with parent/guardian, teacher and counselor collaborate with Dean
  • Assign alternatives to suspension, including in-school suspension
  • Encourage enrichment activities (afterschool clubs)
  • Restorative Justice (RJ) Session
  • Peer mediation
  • Change of student environment within the school through:

Change of teacher

Change/modify class schedule

Daily/Behavior contracts

  • Other Services/Referrals:
School Nurse
School Psychologist
Psychiatric Social Worker Pupil
Services and Attendance (PSA)
Summer School/Adult School Student

Success Team (SST)


  1. Threats, attempts or physical injury caused to another person
  2. Suspicion of possession of any firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object
  3. Suspicion of possession of, use of, safe of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind
  4. Suspicion of possession of, furnishing of, sale of any substitute represented as a controlled substance or intoxicant of any kind
  5. Robbery or extortion
  6. Damage to school or private property, vandalism, graffiti, etc.
  7. Theft of school or private property
  8. Possession or use of cigarettes or any product containing tobacco or nicotine products
  9. Obscene act
  10. Habitual profanity or any profanity towards adults
  11. Bullying
  12. Disruption of school activities
  13. Habitual defiance of adult authority
  14. Sexual harassment

XV.      Habitual truancy (ditching)

Dean/Administrative Intervention Strategies

  • Conference with student
  • Conduct investigation, interview all witnesses
  • Conduct parent conference
  • Recommend change of environment within school (change of teacher, class schedule)
  • Behavior contract
  • Daily/Weekly reports
  • Refer to PSA, SST
  • Restorative Justice (RJ) Session
  • In School Suspension
  • Suspend students from school in accordance with district guidelines/policy
  • Recommend student for opportunity transfer/change of placement in accordance with district guidelines/policy
  • Recommend student for expulsion in accordance with district guidelines/policy
  • Peer mediation

Standards of Behavior

Eagle Rock Junior/Senior High School assumes the obligation to assist all students in the development of their talents and interests to the maximum of their potential capacity. The Standards of Behavior have been created by a committee of parents, students, teachers, and administrators. These standards have been designed to develop responsibility for personal actions within each individual in accordance with the socially recognized values of Eagle Rock High School. These standards are aligned with LAUSD’s Discipline Foundation Policy, “School-Wide Positive Behavior Support.”

Our ultimate goal is a mature individual who accepts the responsibility to:

Respect the rights of others and recognize that violence, fighting, threats, intimidation, harassment and profanity have no place within our school environment.

Respect the property of others, actively discourage theft and vandalism, improve the appearance of our school, avoid littering, pick up after yourself, and encourage others to do the same.

Recognize the authority of teachers and other school personnel responsible for students’ care.

Understand and cooperate fully with school rules and regulations concerning traffic and safety.

Establish and maintain a good attendance pattern to be at school and to be at each class on time. Refrain from loitering on or near school property when not involved in a school activity.

Be present in each class prepared for the day’s lesson with books and other materials. Demonstrate and encourage positive classroom behavior.

Recognize the dangers of alcohol and drugs and make every effort to keep the school clear of any type of stimulant or narcotic. Recognize the health hazards of smoking and refrain from the use of tobacco on or adjacent to school property. We strongly support the Zero Tolerance policy.

Refrain from wearing clothing that (a) affects a student’s safety or the safety of other; (b) disrupts the learning process; or (c) indicates affiliation with or admiration of negative social influences, such as gangs, substance abuse, or profanity.  This policy includes headgear (caps, hoods, beanies) With the exception of ER logo headgear, “headgear must be put away or it will be taken away. ” 

In summary, the committee also recognizes that parents have the obligation and responsibility to provide a home and family environment that emphasizes the value of education and supports the school in enforcing the Standards of Behavior.

In addition to the Standards of Behavior, students and their parents or guardians should know the following information: 

The LAUSD policy on school expulsion for weapons states that if students of any age or grade level bring guns, knives, or weapons of any kind to school, they are subject to arrest and expulsion from the District. This applies to all types of guns, including air guns, stun guns, replica guns, and knives.

Anyone in possession of drugs or alcohol on campus is subject to disciplinary action. As stated above, we strongly support the Zero Tolerance policy.

Students caught gambling on campus are subject to disciplinary action.

Anyone who has caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person is subject to disciplinary action.

All electronic devices are not to be activated or used during school hours (7:54 a.m. - 3:07 p.m.). Electronic devices used (or seen) during this time will be confiscated. Parents can retrieve such items from the Dean’s Office after school. It is recommended that all electronic devices be left at home. Cell phones are not to be activated or used during school hours (7:54 a.m. - 3:07 p.m.). Cell phones used (or seen) during this time will be confiscated. Parents can retrieve cell phones from the Dean’s Office after school.

Metal detection will take place on a daily basis in randomly selected classes and activities.


It is the policy of the Los Angeles Unified School District to comply with the following:

TITLE VI COMPLIANCE (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964)

“No person … shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance from the Department of Education.”

TITLE IX COMPLIANCE (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972)

“No person … shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Title IX and Nondiscrimination information

SECTION 504 COMPLIANCE (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)

“No otherwise qualified individual with disability … shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from the participation, in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”


“No qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity.”


State laws and District policies further provide that the District does not discriminate on the basis of religion, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, medical condition (cancer related), political belief or affiliation, or in retaliation.

Please contact the Office of Communications and Media Relations at [email protected] or call 213-241-6766 to request access to or notify LAUSD about on-line information or functionality that is currently inaccessible. To file a formal grievance with the Los Angeles Unified School District, under Section 504 and Title II, please click here to learn how.

Acceptable Use Policy

In order to access the Eagle Rock Network and the Internet, all students must have a signed consent form on file. The AUP presents the acceptable rules and etiquette for Internet use.

Attendance Policy 

Students must attend school every day and arrive on time to all classes 100% of the time. Students with five or more unverified/unexcused absences in the current school year will be referred to the Pupil Services and Attendance (PSA) Counselor. Regardless of whether an absence is verified, unverified, excused, or unexcused, parents or guardians must always send a note with the student to the Attendance Office when a student is absent or tardy.   If the absence is for more than 3 days, the note must be from a medical office.  THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE DOES NOT ACCEPT PHONE CALLS TO EXCUSE AN ABSENCE OR TARDY.

Returning from an absence:

Students should report to the Attendance Office no later than 7:40 a.m. for an absence slip. Bring a signed note from your parent or guardian stating the date(s) and reason for your absence. After you have been readmitted from an absence in all of your classes, you should keep the slip for your personal records. If you arrive late to school, bring a note from your parent or guardian and report to the Attendance Office. Notes may not be accepted by students who are habitually late to school.   If you lose your absence slip, you may obtain a duplicate from the Attendance Office.

Leaving school early: 

Parents/Guardians should try to schedule appointments during school breaks, before or after school.  Students leaving early from school will not receive a daily perfect attendance record and they miss important instructional time.  However, we know that emergencies do occur and if a student must leave campus early for a medical appointment, or other reason, the parent or guardian must come to the Attendance Office to check them out unless they are 18 years old, then the parent or guardian will be called to verify the request to leave campus.  Be sure to bring a note to the office the day that you return to excuse any absent time.   Before leaving campus, all parents and students must sign out in the Attendance Office.  Adults checking students out of school must be on the Emergency Card and have a pictured I.D.

Address/Telephone Number Changes:

In order to attend Eagle Rock High School you must live in the attendance area and the parent/guardian must be able to verify the address with a utility bill, mortgage bill or a rental agreement.  If you change your home address and/or telephone number, please inform the Attendance Office.  An address change must be verified by the above documents.  The student or parent/guardian must bring these documents to the Attendance Office for verification that you still leave in the attendance area.

If you move outside the Eagle Rock area, you may be checked out to your resident school.  Please inform our PSA Counselor about your resident change.

Unexcused Tardies

Marking Policy:

4 tardies within 10 weeks = Unsatisfactory in Work Habits

6 tardies within 20 weeks = Unsatisfactory in Work Habits


First Tardy – Teacher reminds student about our school’s tardy policy
Second Tardy – Teacher speaks with student individually
Third Tardy – Teacher makes phone call home
Five or More Tardies-Teacher places referral in PSA Counselor’s box


In order to participate in extracurricular activities, such as dances, graduation, and other after-school activities, students must clear all detentions.

To be eligible to participate in “extracurricular activities” (out-of-class athletic teams, drill team, student government, school publications, and performance groups), students must earn and maintain a “C” average on the mid-semester and/or final report cards. If you become ineligible, you may not participate until the next reporting period, at which time your grades must have improved to a “C” average in order to participate in activities.

Cell Phone/Electronics Policy

“It is the policy of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to prohibit the use of cellular phones or any electronic signaling device by students on campus during normal school hours. Students are permitted to possess cellular phones, pagers, or electronic signaling devices on campus provided that any such device shall remain turned off and stored in a locker, backpack, purse, pocket, or other place where it is not visible during normal school hours. Students are permitted to use cellular phones, pagers, or electronic signaling devices on campus before and after school or during school activities that occur outside of school hours. For District, state and national assessments, students are prohibited access to any unauthorized electronic devices at any time during the entire testing session. Students must comply anytime a request is made by school personnel to cease the use of a cellular telephone, pager or other signaling device even before or after school. Schools may adopt more stringent cellular phone policies through the School Site Council. Cell phone use on the school bus is for emergency purposes only; driver authorization is required. For more information you may call (800) 522-8737. The District is not responsible for lost or stolen cellular telephones or other personal items of value such as iPods, cameras, electronic games, radios, CD players, computers, etc”. (LAUSD Parent-Student Handbook, page 5)

  • Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School acknowledges the importance of communication between students and parents, especially in emergency situations. Further, the school recognizes that instructional time is valuable and school time must be protected from unnecessary disruptions. Students may therefore carry cell phones during the school day, and during school sponsored activities. Parents are advised not to contact their child by cell phone during schools hours, as students are required to have their cell phones turned off during the school day. Parents should contact the main office for all communications with their child during school hours. Students may use cell phones during the school day if needed for health purposes as directed by a licensed physician. In such cases, documentation must be on file in the health office.

Cell Phones: 

  • Cell phones must be turned off and not in use during school hours.
  • Cell phones must not be visible during school hours.
  • Cell phones in use or visible during school hours will be confiscated.
  • Confiscated phones will be held in the Dean’s Office. A parent/guardian may retrieve the phone at the end of the school day.
  • Cell phones found on any person during a random metal detector search will not be confiscated.


  • Electronics include (but are not limited to) the following: iPods, two way radios, pagers, cameras, headphones, ear pieces, electronic games.
  • The cell phone policy listed above also applies to electronics, except that the student whose item was confiscated may retrieve it from the Dean’s Office at the end of the day.

Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School assumes no liability for the damage, loss or misuse of cell phones/electronics by a student or another person. This includes cell phones/electronics belonging to a parent/guardian or another person.

(Approved by ERHS School Site Council on 8-10-15)

Distrito Escolar Unificado de los Angeles

Eagle Rock Jr. / Sr. High School

Codigo de vestimenta:

Los estudiantes de Eagle Rock se visten para el exito.  Los estudiantes no deben usar ropa que tiene un impacto negative al aprendizaje exitoso , relaciones positivas y seguridad.

  1. Vestimenta de los hombres jovenes:
    1. Pantalones o jeans deben de quedarle a su tamano.
    2. Los ruedos de los patalones no deben arrastrar el suelo.
    3. Patalones deben llevarse a la cintura. No se permite encenar la ropa interior y patalones bajos.
    4. No corte de cabello extremo (no muy corto, no muy largo).
    5. Camisetas deportivas estan permitidas. No se permiten camisetas blancas (disenadas como ropa interior).
  2. Vestimenta de las mujeres jovenes:
    1. Faldas y shorts muy cortos no estan permitidos.
    2. No se permiten blusas sin hombros.
    3. No se permiten blusas de escote extremo.
    4. No se permiten pantalones muy tallado.
    5. Ropa transparente que exponga ropa interior, no es permitida.
  3. Toda ropa ( esto aplica a todos los estudiantes):
    1. No ropa o accesorios (incluyendo correas) que muestren simbolos de afiliacion con cultos, pandillas, violencia o drogas. Tabien todo lo que muestren lenguaje obsceno no es permitido. 
    2. La ropa no debe contener lenguaje o simbolos que difamen a otros grupos o etnias.
    3. El vistuario debe cubrir el cuerpo adecuadamente y ser apropiada para la assitencia a la escuela.
    4. Sombreros y viseras oficiales del equipo de la escuela Eagle Rock se pueden usar en la escuela. Otros gorros/viseras no pueden ser usados a menos que la administracion de su aprovacion.
    5. Panuelos y bufandas no son permitidas.
    6. Joyas o accerorios afiliadas con drogas, pandillas, o simbolos obscenos son inapropriados para la escuela.
    7. Carteras con cadenas o picos excesivamente grandes no se pueden usar para personalizar el vistuario.

Violaciones al codigo de vestimenta:

  1. Primera infraccion- sera necesario que el estudiante se cambie la ropa o se quite el accesorio inapropriado.
  2. Segunda infraccion - sera necesario que el estudiante se cambie la ropa o se quite el accesorio inapropiado. El estudiante recibira detencion.  Padres o tutores seran contactados.

Ropa alternative estara disponible en la oficina del Decano.  Si no hay ropa para el estudiante en esa oficina, se le llamara a los padres o tutores para que traigan a la escuela un cabio de ropa.  Accesorios inapropiados (sombreros, panuelos, joyas) permaneseran en la oficina del decano hasta despues de la escuela.

Política de teléfono celular/electrónica

“El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles (LAUSD) prohíbe que los alumnos utilicen teléfonos celulares o cualquier otro dispositivo de señales electrónicas cuando se encuentren en el plantel educativo durante el horario regular de clases. Se permite que los alumnos tengan teléfonos celulares, localizadores o dispositivos de señales electrónicas cuando se encuentren en el plantel, siempre y cuando permanezcan apagados y guardados en los casilleros, mochila, bolsa, bolsillo u otro sitio oculto durante el horario regular de clases. Se permite que los alumnos utilicen teléfonos celulares, localizadores o dispositivos de señales electrónicas en el plantel escolar ya sea antes o después del horario regular de clase, o durante actividades escolares que se realicen fuera del horario regular. Para las evaluaciones distritales, estatales y nacionales se prohíbe a los alumnos el acceso a cualquier aparato electrónico no autorizado en cualquier momento durante la sesión de evaluación en su totalidad. Los alumnos deberán obedecer en toda ocasión cuando el personal escolar les solicite que dejen de usar sus teléfonos celulares, localizadores o dispositivos de señales electrónicas incluso antes o después de clases. Las escuelas podrán adoptar normas más estrictas sobre el uso de celulares mediante el Consejo del Plantel Local. Solamente se podrá usar el teléfono celular en el autobús para casos de emergencia; se precisará la autorización del conductor. Para mayor información, llame a la Ofna. de Servicios de Transporte al (800) 522-8737. El Distrito no asume responsabilidad por teléfonos celulares extraviados o robados así como otros objetos personales de valor, como cámaras, juegos electrónicos, radios, reproductores de MP3, dispositivos de cómputo, tabletas, etc.”  (Manual de padres-estudiantes de LAUSD, página 6)

  • Eagle Rock Jr. / Sr. High School secundaria reconoce la importancia de la comunicación entre los estudiantes y los padres, especialmente en situaciones de emergencia. Además, la escuela reconoce que el tiempo lectivo es valioso y tiempo de la escuela debe estar protegido de disrupciones innecesarias. Los estudiantes por lo tanto pueden llevar teléfonos celulares durante el día escolar y durante la escuela patrocinó actividades. Los padres aconsejan no entrar en contacto con su hijo por teléfono celular durante las horas de las escuelas, como los estudiantes están obligados a tener sus teléfonos celulares apagados durante el día escolar. Padres deben dirigirse a la oficina principal para todas las comunicaciones con sus hijos durante el horario escolar. Los estudiantes pueden usar teléfonos celulares durante el día escolar si es necesario para propósitos de salud según lo dirigido por un médico con licencia. En tales casos, debe ser documentación archivada en la oficina de salud.


Teléfonos celulares:

  • Teléfonos celulares debe permanecer apagados. No deben estar en uso durante las horas de instrucion.
  • Los teléfonos celulares no debe ser visibles durante las horas escolares.
  • Los teléfonos celulares en uso o visible durante las horas escolares serán confiscados.
  • Los teléfonos decomisados se entregaran al Decan. Un padre o tutor puede recuperar el teléfono al final del día escolar.
  • Celular encontrado en cualquier persona durante la búsqueda de un detector de metales al azar no serán confiscados.


  • Electrónica incluyen (pero no están limitado a) los siguientes: iPods, radios de dos vías, buscapersonas, cámaras, auriculares, juegos electrónicos.
  • La política de celular mencionada también se aplica a la electrónica. El alumno puede recuperar el articulo confiscado en la oficina de Decano al final de dia

Eagle Rock Jr. / Sr. High School no asume ninguna responsabilidad por el daño, pérdida o mal uso de los teléfonos celulares o electrónica por un alumno u otra persona. Esto incluye teléfonos celulares o electrónica que pertenece a un padre o tutor u otra persona.

(Aprobado por consejo escolar Rancho el 10/08/15)