Important Dates
Eagle Rock All-Time List
Parents! Please read entire syllabus then send email to [email protected].
- your name
- child's name
- best way to contact you
- and any questions/comments you may have!
Welcome to Eagle Rock Track and Field! We are looking forward to another exciting year. Our coaches are committed to making our team one of the best and most competitive teams in the city. It is the intention of Eagle Rock Track and Field to set high standards and achieve a level of behavior which reflects positively on the team. Eagle Rock Track and Field wants you to have a fulfilling and successful athletic experience. You are our ambassadors and are expected to uphold, at all times, high standards of integrity and behavior which will reflect positively upon yourselves, your families, coaches, teammates and Eagle Rock Track and Field. Our mission statement is very simple, “We develop people first, and athletes second”.
The Track and Field Coaching Staff
Contact Information
Richard Martinez- Distance Coach
Moises De Leon- Assistant Sprints Coach
Michelle Sanchez- Inclusive Track and Field Coach/Assistant Distance Coach
Antonio Novoa- Throws Coach
Eloy Jordan- Assistant Sprints Coach
Brian Rodriguez- Hurdle Coach
Please contact all coaches through team email [email protected]
Academic Expectations
Student-Athlete’s must maintain a 2.0 to participate
Team Goal is for all Student-Athletes to have a 3.0
Team homework help will take place every PD Tuesday
Any Student-Athlete’s with less than a 3.0 on previous report card will be required to be at homework help
Team Behavioral Expectations
No vulgarity or you will be doing push ups
Respect everyone you come in contact with!
Respect the campus. Clean up after yourself.
Encourage and support your teammates
Practice Tips and Guidelines
Dress and be on time RAIN or SHINE. We practiced through hail for the first time this year! :D
Frequently missed practices could affect an athlete's grade.
Commincation is key!
Practice Times
Green Days be dressed and warming up by 1:45
Grey Days (afterschool) dressed and ready to go by 3:25
Advisory Fridays be dressed and ready to by 1:50
PD Tuesdays be dressed and ready to go by 12:50
After School on PD Tuesdays dressed and ready to go by 3:25
From 2:10-3:10 there will be homework help through A World Fit For Kids
If you were placed in Group 1, are a jumper/hurdler, or on a relay you will often be asked to start practice at an earlier time.
Tardy Policy
Consequences may worsen if tardies become habitual
Grey Day/Afterschool Attendance Policy
Critical Situations +Communication= No Consequence
Critical Situations+ No Communication= Minimal Consequence
Non Critical Situations+ Communication= Moderate Consequence
Non Critical Situations+ No Communication= Heavy Consequence
Critical Situations = Family Emergencies
Non Critical Situations
- Didn't have clothes, Forgot, and Tired.
- Common Cold/Headaches/Injured still have to show up we will give you a modified workout or possibly send you home, but you still have to show up.
- Doctors/Dentists/Orthodontist Appointments should be planned around practice after school on green days are ideal. Yes, you might miss strength training but you can still get a track workout.
- Group projects, and studying. Being a student comes first, but learning how to manage time is a vital skill. If you have to study or work on a project we can give you a shortened workout.
Please don't argue about level of consequence or if a situation is critical or not. The consequences aren't a just do them and let's keep it cool.
Minimal Consequence Pick up 5-10 pieces of Trash
Moderate Consequence Putting Away Equipment Used/ Organizing Equipment
Heavy Consequence Minimal and Moderate Consequences Comined
During season events may be taken away or added
Consequences may worsen if absences become habitual
Complete School Day Missed
Please let us know as soon as possible that you will be missing practice. This is vital to all athletes that have been placed in Group 1 or on Relays.
Please Bring PRC to next Practice!
No Consequences unless absences become habitiual without valid reason.
Athletes can text line leaders, send email to [email protected], or message through remind app!
If you tell us during the day in person please use one of the options above to leave a paper trail. Coaches can not remember everything....
Student-Athletes must know the difference between small nagging injuries and truly being injured.
Both cases require you to be at practice dressed unless, but your activity might be limited or non exsistent.
Minor injuries may include: shin splints, minor sprains, minor muscle strains, and minor forms of tendonitis.
Severe injuries may include: torn muscles, broken bones, ligament/tendon strains/tear, and so fourth.
We, as coaches, will try to do our best to help prehab and rehab injuries.
Athletes must ride on bus to and from meets unless proper paper work is completed
Early Dismissal paperwork must be completed at lease one day prior to meet
Athletes must treat all opposing athletes/coaches/helpers with respect
Athletes must stay until the end of the meet unless approved by a coach
The only ways a Student-Athlete will not receieve an "A" in the class is if practice is consistently being missed or consistently not dressing.
We would like YOU to be part of what we are doing with your kids!!!
You can help by providing snacks at meets
Driving kids to or from meets and Saturday practices
If you have a background that can be of service please let us know! That could be a physical service: yoga, massage therapy, or anything in that realm.
Parents! Please read entire syllabus then send email to [email protected]
- your name
- child's name
- best way to contact you
- and any questions/comments you may have!
Workout Schedule and Recovery Protocol
At Home Steps For Recovery
- Step 1: Take an Epsom Salt Bath or Contrast Shower (30 seconds really cold, 30 seconds really hot for a total of 5 minutes)
- Step 2: Foam Roll All Muscle Groups. When you find trigger points hold on spot for at least 1 minute, breath deeply, and RELAX.
- Step 3: Do a set of 10 of the following exercises very slowly and deliberately: Inchworms, Spidermans, Single Knee Butt Tucks, Toe Touch Squats, and Leg Swings
- Step 4: Static Stretch all muscles for at least 30 seconds per position.
- Step 5: Ice for 2 sets of 10 minutes any body part that is bothering you, or body parts runner are prone to getting injured: Knees, Shins, IT Band, Calves, and Hammstrings.
- Step 6: Make sure you are well hydrated, well nurished, and well rested. Step 7: Do you homework and be nice to your parents!